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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  July 6, 2011 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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doubles match 5-4. later venus in her singles match. venus in the near court would show why she is a world champion but it wouldn't be enough on this day. venus loses her singles match. but the castles still win the over all match 21-18. today, they in a the philadelphia freedom. still plenty ahead. weather, traffic and all your top stories. fox 5 morning news continues right now. let's look outside at 5:00 this morning. a look at the wilson bridge. wednesday morning, july 6 egg. i'm steve chenevey. >> i'm wisdom mart un. welcome to fox 5 morning news. time to take a look at what is happening outside and how we can plan. tony perkin happened to the bra on this thing. what a way to get the morning started. welcome back from vacation. >> one-day vacation. everyone else gets megatime off. i get a day. >> that is because you're so
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important. you're the franchise. we can't do without you. >> okay. that's enough. we have a lot of clouds out there. another muggy start to the day. we know the routine, folk. temperatures in the 70s. humidity in the 70s and 80s. just not pleasant. there is a look at your satellite-radar. plenty of clouds moving in. we'll see a good amount of cloud cover i think during the early portion of the day today. we'll get some sunshine going in here a little bit later on so don't worry about that. let's take a look at those temperatures and show you what we've got. 79degrees right now in the district. yikes! that's warm. 69 at dulles. 74 at bwi marshall. your day planner for today, plenty of clouds this morning. with that see partial sunshine during the day, hot, humid, you know the routine. look for a high today once again into the 90s and as is typical, chance of some scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening as well. there you go. i'm done. see you next week. >> it would be nice. one and done. >> let's check in with julie
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wright. >> can't you work out a better contract deal than coming in at 5:00 for your one and done. >> i'm trying. >> all right. on the roads this morning, you will find the inner loop of the beltway where we're checking for reports of an accident involving a motorcyclist. inner loop of the beltway before the exit for river road. traffic looks pretty good continuing from the american legion bridge headed in the direction from 270. the out are loop of the beltway at speed leaving 270 headed back down towards your exits in tyson's. lanes are open 395 in took street as you travel out to the 14th street bridge. no incidents to report inbound new york avenue. outbound being we still have the long-term construction project set up as you make your way past bladensburg road. the verdict is in casey anthony murder trial, more than three years since the disappearance of her daughter caylee.
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>> a florida jury aquitted anthony of the three most serious charges. sherry ly is here with a wrap of the story. >> reporter: you could argue that casey anthony is one of the most hated mothers in the court of public opinion. in the florida courtroom where it counted, a jury found her guilty of lying but that didn't prove she was a murderer. casey anthony teared up as the verdict was read. over and over again, it is not guilty, acquitting her of first degree murder, aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse. >> casey did not murder caylee. it is that simple. can you not convict someone until they've had their day in court. >> reporter: anthony could have faced the death penalty if convicted of killing her 2-year- old daughter caylee. instead, she celebrated with her defense team. jury did found her guilty of lying to investigators but with nearly three years in jail already served, she could walk
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tree within days. >> i never, ever criticize a jury. theirs is the task of deciding what to believe. >> reporter: state's attorney lamar acknowledged there was no hard evidence, no con television or eyewitness. it was months before searchers findly found caylee's body tossed in the woods near the anthony family's home. lamar says that delay hurt their case. >> especially a case like this which is a mosaic of prove with no smoking gun and a tiny victim who is reduced by time and the elements to skeletal remains. those remains lacking in any chemical evidence that could be brought forward. this was a dry bones case. very, very difficult to prove. >> reporter: prosecutors say caylee was suffocated with duct tape by a hard-partying mother who wanted to be free while the defense said it was a tragic accidental drowning. but after nearly three years, we still don't know what really happened.
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>> while we're happy for casey, there are no winners in this case. caylee has passed on far, far too soon. >> reporter: andthony will be sentenced tomorrow. jurors in the case did not talk after the verdict but one alternate juror said the prosecution failed to explain how caylee died. and in the end, that meant the prosecutors didn't prove their case. >> tragic story all the way around. >> so much response to that. thank you. we are far from done with the casey anthony verdict. coming up at 5:30, we'll go live to orlando with more reaction and was next in the case. -- and what is next in the case. d.c. police ewing the web to catch a killer. investigators hoping for tips in a 1-year-old murder at georgetown university. list teen mearzon was walking to her dorm when someone dragged her into the woods,
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sexually salted her and beat her to death. police released a sketch of the man who may be responsible. investigators are also launching a new website hoping to generate more tips. >> our younger detectives are a little more computer savvy, a little more understanding of that but it is a learning process for all of us to how we can use these different things to our advantage. i can speak it my own experience just in the way dna has evolved. when i started in homicide, dna was stuff they talked about that was confusing to a lot of us. >> twenty years later, many people do know about dna and if the killer is still committing sex crimes, he may be changing his methods so he doesn't leave any more dna evidence at crime scenes. for the first time, president obama is taking over the talks on raising the debt ceiling. he is inviting lawmakers back to the white house for negotiations tomorrow. but he is warning them not to fall back on the short-term fix
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and not delay on cutting long- term deficits. we'll have a full report coming up in about 15 minutes. roger clemens pre-jury trial begins here in washington but he has scored a victory already. a federal judge says he probably won't allow college ensz' farmer teammates to testify about their steroid use. that could damage the prosecuting's case. he is accused of lying to congress when he told the house committee he never juiced. his former trainer is the prosecution's star witness. he claims hen injected clemens. d.c. city council making moves to crack down on hate crimes. another story that has people talking. prince george's county councilmember leslie johnson is out, announcing she will resign her seat but there is a catch. fox 5 morning news will be right back. 
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mexico may be chose to calling off the search for seven missing americans. one is known to be dead. the search continues but mexican rescue team are considering calling it off and
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switching to a recovery operation. twenty-seven tourists and 16 crew members were thrown into the gulf when a quick storm hit their boat 06 miles out to sea. the wife of jack johnson submits her resignation to the county council. the announcement comes days after leslie johnson pleaded guilty to destroying evidence in a federal cropping probe. her resignation will be effective july 31st. several of her council colleagues are calling for her to step down immediately. leslie johnson will be sentenced in october. d.c. council committee will be taking testimony today about whether police are responding effectively to reports of hate crimes. among the witnesses scheduled to testify at the hearings, police chief kathy lanier and the president of gays and lesbians opposing violence. some carry moments on i-66? northern virginia. travis gearing gave us this video of a truck fire in fairfax. the incident shut down the highway for more than five hours on route 123 yesterday
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afternoon. the tractor-trailer was loaded with bales of hay when it caught on fire. the driver was not hurt. bad news for the commute for tens of thousands of you. just ahead, a crucial part ofe today's forecast. however, i believe you could do this forecast as well. you know what it is. i'll tell you about it in a few moments. julie wright will be here to tell us about the area roadways. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back. 
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it is wednesday morning. it is hard to keep track this week. >> that monday holiday through us off. >> what do you want to know. >> how hot is it going to be? >> you will answer that at the end of this forecast. a little tease. let's jump right in. we'll start with your weather headlines for the day. here we go, folks. i don't have the clicker. tucker k you jump right in. here comes the humidity. it is making a return. was it here yesterday? >> so-so. >> it is coming in today definitely. afternoon storms or a possibility for the next few days. it is that time of year, folks. we are going to see a nicer weekend, i think. cooler temperatures, perhaps not as humid. that looks good once we get there. is this the hottest time of the
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year? it feels like it. actually, it is not. ten days from now when we start our hottest time of the year. we have plenty of heat to go around. current temperatures, 77 degrees, we have dropped off a little bit. that is nice. 76 in annapolis. 74 at quantico. a look at the satellite-radar composite. there are clouds out there this morning. we do have a couple of rain showers with -- way off to the west. nothing significant. i think we'll be dry with the exception of the humidity during these morning hours. we could see some showers and thunderstorms pop through as a big swath of clear air -- i won't say clear, but clear skies out to the west so we will get some sunshine working in later. forecast for today looks like this. partly sunny skies, scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. high 93 degrees once again. that is above normal. about five degrees above normal
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for today. then for tonight, we will see some early morning -- sorry, not early morning, early evening showers and thunderstorms. warm overnight again, highs once again in the mid-70s. five-day forecast, tomorrow, thursday, scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms, 90. friday, maybe a storm or two. 85 for your high. here is your weekend. it looks to be sunny right now. temperatures in the upper 80s to around 90 degrees. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. now, let's find out what is happening with the traffic. for that, we go to julie wright. >> all right. good morning to you, sir. we are starting off this morning's commute with a crash involving a motorcyclist. this now on the inner loop of the beltway. it will actually be after the exit for river road. for this particular camera angle, it just looks a little blurry. it is the inner loop starting to stack up now and as you work your way around the curve in the direction of 270, that is where we have the crash involving a motorcyclist. traffic coming in off of river road is starting to back up on
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the ramp. the inner loop is starting to slow before you reach river headed up towards 270. the outer loop, your lanes are open. 395, hov lane as speed as you continue past duke street headed up to the 14th street bridge. main line looking good as well. no incidents to report headed out nary road. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. let's stay with the transportation theme and monitor metro this morning. a new report reveals the reliability of metro escalators has dropped in recent months. not what rider are going to want to hear. right now, 82 of metro's 5 # 8 rest he's claitors are under some type of repairs -- 82 of metro's 588 escalators are under some type of repairs. bob born arrested has more. >> reporter: metro riders getting used to this crush of humanity just to get into the station. >> what can you do? you don't want to drive your
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car, you have to put up with it. >> reporter: one of the station's three escalators is undergoing a some-long and complete overhaul and now the one going south isn't working. >> too far to walk down. too long of lines and my knees hurt. >> reporter: that is why they are waiting in this long line for the elevators. >> what grade do you give metro for its escalators, elevators? >> oh, d minus maybe. >> it is not every day but it can be inconvenient for you have to go to another job like i do. >> reporter: at one point this morning, none. the escalators at foggy bottom were working. this is what it looked like in a photo posted. at dupont circle, we found another nonworking escalator. at one point, we were told all were out of service. at this station, it can be a long walk up. >> i take the elevator. >> reporter: according to this report prepared for the metro
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board of directors, in may, about 100 escalators were out of service on any given day. that is worse than in previous mo. do is thank our customers for their patience as we rebuild. this is work that should rob done a long time ago, investments that should have been made a long time ago. >> reporter: the agency spokesman says metro is rebuilding its entire system of escalators exposed to the elements year round. it's long-term $150 million project. >> under these types of conditions with this much traffic, these escalators have a useful life of about 0rbgs maybe 25 years if they're properly maintained. maybe 30 if you're lucky and we're well beyond that at this point. >> bob barnard, fox news. >> metro says four of the seven escalator manufacturers that were used during the creation of the subway system just don't exist anymore n some cases, metro has it make their own replacement parts and there is a new alert system so ride ceres find out ahead of time
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when the escalators are down. it is called metro forward. that is on metro's web site also available via facebook and twitter. you can help us monitor metro. if you see something that looks wrong or broken, tax a picture and send it to us. if you have a question for the president, you might want to get your tweet ready. up next, details on mr. obama's first ever twitter town hall meeting and the president calls on congress to do something big about the nation's crushing debt. this as he is taking a new personal stake in the ongoing partisan battle. 
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in just a couple of weeks, the u.s. will receive its debt limit. >> tom fitzgerald reports both sides still have major hurdles to overcome. >> reporter: in a surprise appearance tuesday afternoon at the white house, president obama said he would personally take over the negotiations on raising the debt ceiling as time begins to run out. >> we need to come together over the next two weeks to reach a deal that reduces the deficit and upholds the full faith and credit of the united states government. >> reporter: the u.s. reached its $14.3 trillion debt limit in may. the white house warns congress has it raise that ceiling by july # 2nd or the u.s. could default on its loans on august 2nd. republicans say the rush isn't necessary. >> nobody is going to have time to read it or consider the implications of it and he is
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going to say you have to pass it or the economy is going down the tubes. that is just irresponsible. >> reporter: the differences between these two sides are real. republicans arrest saying they want deep budget cuts before before they will come to an agreement. democrats are saying they want to raise revenue by ending some corporate and individual tax breaks. if the ceiling is not raised, some say the government could partially shut down if itcamyla republican cgo uttoo far. >> wre not goiarng tondthersk o insurance companies. we are not going it make it that much more expensive for families to afford college education. >> economic and lichts like mike tanner say -- analysts like mike tanner say the stakes are too high for them not to move forward. >> what you won't have is enough money to continue the general operations of the federal government. it will be like one of these giant government shutdowns that
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we go through. >> reporter: both the president and the vice president have met with lawmakers before. while both parties say more progress is being made. >> i promise i will keep you guys updated as time goes on. all right? >> reporter: so far, an agreement has not been reached in the days on the calendar are slipping away. on capitol hill, tom fitzgerald, fox 5 news. the president's twitter town hall today will feature questions from twitter users. >> the white house director of new media says they will not control which questions the president takes. the questions will be chosen based on popularity with the help of some journalists who report on economic issues. the story getting all the talk this morning is the casey anthony murder trial. we'll hear from and alternate juror who plains why he also would have voted to acquit. we'll check with julie on
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the traffic after the break and tony has your forecast. we're not the status quo. perdue is the first and the only chicken company to have usda-process-verified programs for fresh all-natural chickens. [ jim ] this is an all-vegetarian diet, no animal by-products, no animal fat. [ joe ] we never have used steroids or hormones of any type. it's not gonna happen. [ joe ] and always raised cage free. we set our goals higher than anyone. we're trying to make a better chicken. [ jim ] my dad did, my grandfather did and it's what we do today.
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most of you are indeed into the 70s. into the mid- and upper 70s across portions of the area. 77 in washington. 74 town in quantico.
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baltimore at 72. we do have 67 degrees out in martinsburg and there is a look at the big picture. 70s along the east coast. off to the west being temperatures in the 60s. 6 # in pittsburgh. forecast for today, partly sunny skies. scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms, high about 93 degrees. -- 63 in pittsburgh. >> let's get to julie wright now. good morning to you. >> good morning, you guys. we are checking out the beltway inner loop and that is where we have the crash involving the motorcyclist. inner loop of the beltway after the exit for river road, the right half of the roadway remains closed at this time. delays are building on this inloop as you travel north of the american legion bridge headed into bethesda. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. first degree murder, verdict as to count one, we the jury find the defendant not guilty. >> effect still talking about it this morning and no doubt will throughout the day. casey anthony aquitted of murdering her 2-year-old daughter caylee. >> she was also cleared of aggravated manslaughter and
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aggravated child abuse. however, she was convicted of four misdemeanors. fox's jessica stone is live in orlando, florida with reaction and what is next in this case. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, wisdom. i just want to show you the front of the orlando sentinel. you see a very relieved and teary casey anthony. we have seen so many photos of this woman for the last three years with a variety of emotions and certainly they were very much at play in the courtroom yesterday, holding hands and crying as she heard the verdict. her parents felt differently. they left the courtroom virtually immediately after the three felony counts were ruled not guilty and they actually weren't scene seen again for another five hours. what you think about why, we are all asking the question, how did the jury reach this verdict because it was so stunning to everyone in the courtroom, to all of the media pundits to much of the press covering this. the only insight we have thus far is we heard from an alternate juror who would have heard the case but not been
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part of the deliberations and he tells us that simply the prosecution did not meet the bird of proof, that there was simply too much reasonable doubt here and that is something that the defense went to great lengths to prove and time and time again, they would say there is no dna, no fingerprints, no witnesses. and it appears that the jury simply found that to be enough to create that reasonable doubt. we heard from the prosecution that, at the end of date, if we had had that body of young caylee anthony just a little bit sooner, we would have had a better case. those 31 days in which she was missing and unfortunately decomposing made this a difficult case to try. >> prosecutors saying it was tough when it was just skeletal remains to do just that. what happens now and let's start with whether or not she will actually serve any jail time? >> that is a really good question. only the judge knows but she is back here on thursday morning for sentencing on the four counts of lying to police an each one of those caries a
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maximum of just one year in jail but she has been in jail for the bet better part of the last three years. it will be up to the judge as to whether she serves more time or walk out of the courtroom after more than thee years in jail and all of this coverage and all of this drama that has caused her family, that could happen on thursday morning. and getting back to the anthony family for a second, wisdom, they were very clear. they are not happy with this defense. they called this defense in a statement, quote, baseless and that is a father who has been accused of molesting his daughter, of having an extramarital affair. this has taken its toll on the greater anthony family. it will tax a lot of time for them to heal. >> let's talk about the fallout from some other aspects of this. the prosecutor is leaving after this case. >> that was another bombshell that dropped just about three hours after we heard that verdict when you thought your
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jaw couldn't drop any further. you have the co-counsel here who gave really the most compelling parts of the prosecution's closing arguments over the weekend, came across very strong, hammering home the evidence, many people found him to be very believable but he did have a circumstantial case. again, no fingerprints, no dna, no witnesses. he reting thursday, the same day that casey anthony could conceivably go free. >> our reaction here i think much like the rest of country but for you being there in the heart of thin, just as you were roaming around orlando last night, everybody still talking, jaws dropped there as well? >> oh, my goodness. you looked around at your colleagues after covering this and the expectation was that she would be found guilty of at least one of these felony charges. many people felt she wouldn't get murder one because of the question of the death penalty and premeditation. very difficult for the jurors to make that decision. there were three lesser included charges they could
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have considered which would have given them the opportunity to still send a very strong message that they felt she had something to to with her daughter's death. >> thank you so much. jessica stone live in orlando for us this morning. you will fined latest from florida plus the entire reading of the verdict if you would like to read that for yourself and we want to know what you think about this controversial case. like on facebook and then post your comments. onto some of our other top stories, a virginia mother expected to turn herself in to authorities today after being indicted in the death her 2- year-old son. karen murphy is accused of leaving her son ryan in the van all day on june 17th. police say he is unresponsive when she finally returned. murphy is charged with murder and child neglect. the "washington post" reports she plans to turn herself in at a court appearance in prince
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william county this morning. the wife of former prince george's county executive jack johnson submits her resignation to the county council. announcement comes days after leslie wrong son pleaded guilty in a federal corruption probe. several her council colleagues are calling for her to step down immediately. leslie johnson will be sentenced in octothe dalai lama today beginning a 10-day buddhist ritual and for accept biotechnology industry organizations marking his 76th birthday today. organize-- and for celebrations marking his 76th birthday today. tibetan leaders describe the repossession by the chinese communists as a tragedy. roger college ingoes on trial in federal court here in
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washington. we'll talk about that with the junkies coming up. our first look at a prison inmate who tried to make an escape in a suitcase. yes, there are pictures and they are. coming up next. dow was down a dozen points yesterday. nasdaq was up almost 10. the dow fell about 13 points. we're back after this. 
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some serious horseplay on a busy highwain io. a 7-year-old arabian horse caped and took off into traffic. officers closed the highway. they tried to box the horse in. didn't wok. horse ran for about eight miles down the highway before the owner finally managed to rein him in. >> it will be hard to top a horse running down the highway. check out these pictures. we are now getting a look at an alleged attempt at a prison escape. a woman who went to visit her common law husband came out with him packed in a suitcase. that is him in that suitcase. correctal officers at the jail in mexico pound the man in the bag when they noticed the woman looking nervously as she wheeled the bag out of the facility. she and the inmate are charging with trying to escape. coming up later, we'll find out where the 2018 winter olympics will be held.
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three cities are hoping to be named the winner by the international olympic committee. voting starts around 9 350eu6789 city in france and munich germany making their final pitches this morning. early favorite is the city in south korea. >> you will not believe this either. another possible comeback for bret favre. will he go for the 21st year in the nfl? plus, roger clemens goes on trial if federal court here in d.c. the sports junkies from 106.7 the fan weigh in straight ahead on fox 5. amazing pictures of a dust storm sweeping across one u.s. city. find out where this is happening when we come back. amazing video. inch of indulgence...
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joy... pleasure. one square inch of extra smooth, rich chocolate. hershey's bliss. what makes hershey's s'mores special? hershey's chocolate goodness, that brings people together. hershey's makes it a s'more. you make it special.
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pure hershey's. the los alamos nuclear laboratory will reopen today. it was closed after the state apt largest wildfire threatened facility. it is expected to take a few days to get effect back up and running. as for the fire, it is almost 100% contained. the focus is on the damaged soil to prevent massive flooding as massive storms begin to hit. here is the video we were talking about. this massive diamondback cloud
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covering phoenix arizona yesterday. it is ominous. -- the massive dark cloud covering phoenix arizona yesterday. this dust storm blanketed phoenix causing some problems as you can imagine for drivers. >> when i see that, i i think optimist prime and megatron are going to come out and start fighting. >> it does look like a special effect. >> it is wild. >> that is impressive looking. a little carey too. >> very much so. >> nothing like that for us today -- a little scary too. >> very much so. >> nothing like that for us today. we do have hot and humid conditions like we are used to. i want to show you hd radar as there is some precipitation now that ha drop dropped off to the south and west. not here in the district although as close as front royal, you might be getting some showers coming through right now. they are indicated being picked up by radar. but this may be overplaying to a little bit particularly down
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here south of charlottesville. still, there is some moisture out there, me precipitation off to the south and west of the district. we'll keep our eyes on it through the course of the morning hours. let's go to the graphics. take a look at the satellite- radar for the entire area. main feature you will see here is cloudy skies that we've got in over us this morning. a fair amount of cloud cover. i do think we'll get some breaks in the clouds during the course of the day so we'll call for a partly sunny day today as the day progresses. very similar to the last couple of days with sun mixed with clouds through the course of the day. our temperatures this morning, we are agetting five warm start again, i think we're used to that. 77degrees here in the district. annapolis is at 76 degrees. our friends at leonardtown, 7 #. dulles, 71 and hagerstown is at 70 at this hour. the forecast for today, more of the same. -- our friend at leonardtown, 72. scattered afternoon showers and thunderstorms. look for a high today of 93
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degrees. for tonight, another warm one. overnight lows in the mid-70s. maybe a shower or thunderstorm during the evening hours. you know how that goes, they will be widely scattered. more heat, humidity and afternoon showers and thunderstorms tomorrow a possibility. friday, we're cooler. 85degrees. we'll take that. that is below normal. maybe an afternoon shower or thunderstorm. over the course of the weekend, we're warm again. not as warp as today but it looks like we'll see sunshine. right now, we don't have rain in the forecast. now, let's get to julie wright and get an update on the morning rush hour traffic. >> as you know, fox 5 is monitoring metro and this morning, we do have some problems to report on metro's blue-orange line there at foggy bottom. the entrance escalators are not working this morning. the station remains open. it is the escalators that are not working on metro's blue- orange line. here we are live. this is pennsylvania avenue at minnesota avenue. minnesota is blocked off in each direction at this point. i should say just north of
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pennsylvania avenue because of this accident activity. we at least have two vehicles involved in this crash. fire and rescue units remain on the scene blocking the portion of minnesota. if you are coming inbound on pennsylvania avenue headed for the sousa bridge, you can get by under police direction. you will find georgia avenue northbound leaving the beltway headed up towards wheaton. that is where we have the construct in place. stay to the right to get through. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you so much. starting this morning, several school zone speed cameras in frederick, maryland are operational. mean is you get caught, you get a fine. the cameras are near hillcrest elementary school and governor thomas johnson high school. two other cameras near monocacy elementary began their 30-day warning period yesterday. time to check in with the sports junkies from 106.7 the fan on this wednesday morning. wisdom is with us once again this morning, guys. so one trial ends yesterday, another one starts today. how is it possible that roger clemens could spend more time in jail than casey anthony?
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>> don't even get me started on that. >> that is a great question. the american justice system is broken beyond repair as far as i'm concerned if casey anthony can get off on all of the major charges. i was stunned by that along with the rest of the nation. >> i was thinking about roger clemens. but what if he actually is telling the truth? i really don't believe him. he is claiming it is a blackmail deal now and they will go down the alley where they portray brian mcnamee. >> do you also believe in the tooth fairy? >> it is not just him. it was the guy who was shipping hdh to his home.
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evidence is overwhelming in this trial. >> if clemens is able it pull a casey anthony, does make the hall of fame if he is cleared of the charges? >> probably yankee not. too main question marks. >> even if he is guilty, which i believe he is, i wouldn't be shocked in the least for he is found innocent because he has a ton of money. he can get the best lawyers and we've seen as in the anthony case, if you have great representation, the fact of the case don't mean much. >> he has a good one. college enwas told he didn't have to testify and the big dummy still went up there, raised his hand and said i didn't do it. hwhat is going on in his hive. >> he was kind of in a no-one situation. if you tax all the best players that played in the '90s and none of them are ever going to make the hall of fame, who is going to be? we'll have aaa players in the hall of fame.
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>> you will get second tier guys, guy like fred mcgriff. >> the ken griffey, jr.s of the world are going to get in. >> there are 10 or 12 guys that won't get in. jeter is going. randy johnson, all those guys are going. >> let's talk about something else since wear not playing football, let's talk about football. i hear that bret favre is thinking about coming back again. >> don't do it. >> really? >> he is the boy that cried wolf. he can't just hang out on his farm and cut the grass and delve into other business interests after football. he has to throw his name out there. >> he had such a good year last year, why wouldn't he come back? >> his quarterback rating last year as 69. that is way worse than donovan mcnabb and we want to get rid of him. >> hold on. i think this is another example of where we are getting care idea away with ourselves. this story i believe is rooted in speculation. >> sure, it is speculation.
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>> bret hasn't said he wants to come back. >> he is always speculating and what is crazy is the teams keep signing him. that is what is crazy to me. >> they're not signing him this year. >> if he does come back, i would be shocked if it was with be i perfect year for him, shortened pre-season. no mini camps. right up his alley. >> if there is a team willing to give him $15 million, i'm going to move to canada. >> okay. thank you so much. we'll leave it there with the junkies at 106.7 the fan. one of the cast member of the fox hit glee leaving the show now. a little format change coming up too. coming up at 6:00 auction change in policy over who
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president obama sends condolence letters to. also in our income hour, a terror suspect comes to the u.s. in a test over military versus civilian courts. before a better idea of how the campaign for u.s. senate in virginia is shaping up.
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glee fans rallying after
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one cast member got the boot after just one son. sam will only be coming back as a guest star. thousands of fans bought this billionaire cover that he did on itunes. identify short moment there, the protest work giant food i didn't even know he sang that song. now i know. >> we want to say good morning to our facebook fan of the day. it is rick allison. he worns worn -- he works for u.s. airways. if you would like to tomorrow's fan of the day, findous fox 5 morning news and post a comment under rick's photo. government in pakistan continues to investigate the death of osama bin laden. how officials plan to keep tabs on his relatives. we are checking your morning commute and weather. fox 5 morning news will be right back. 
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